Image of Margo Laz

Margo Laz

Kudos Narratives


What’s your job title? And your company name?
Where are you originally from? Where do you currently live?

Minsk → London

What does your company do?

LinkedIn influencer marketing for tech companies.

Describe your role in 1—2 simple sentences.

Strategist, builder, influencer.

What do you really do at work?
Mostly, I just talk to people:
  • Sales & Hiring;
  • Strategy outline;
  • Personal brand & content creation;
  • Networking.
What hard skills are needed to perform your job? What soft skills are needed to perform your job?
Hard Skills:
  • Team Building
  • Event/Project Launching
  • Networking–Top speakers and influencers
  • Content Writing
  • Making Things Happen
Soft Skills:
  • Persuasion
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Resilience
  • Relationship-Building
  • Motivating Teams
What’s the best thing about your job?

I can do whatever I want.

What’s the worst thing about your job?

I can do whatever I want.

What are the most challenging things about your work, that other people may not realize?

Business is about ups and downs. You need to ride the waves and stay balanced, no matter what.

What is your biggest professional goal?

Build a thriving business, and do it with style. Invest in great projects and people in the future.

What is closest goal (big or small) that you are currently working on?

Custdev interviews with 30 marketers from tech scaleups about B2B influencer marketing.

What is your favorite mistake that shaped your further vision or taught you a lot during your career journey?

Don't do the Masters Programme, go to therapy instead.

What do you think is your unique talent?

Finding the right people, and talking to them in the right way.

On the scale from 0 to 10, where are you on your career path right now?

It's just the beginning!..

What skills do you need to improve or develop that will bring you to the next professional level?

Believe in myself.

What was your biggest eye opening since you started this job?

The best way to control something is to let go by having trust in yourself, your team, and the universe.

What tools/apps do you use at work? How do you use them?

You might not believe it, but I’ve built my business on two templates, both of which cost me $25.

Share your tips and tricks for better planning, staying focused, and being productive.

Focus is overrated.

How important is networking for doing what you do? Any networking tips?

I’ve built all my businesses with the right connections at the right places — from founders of multimillion publicly traded companies to international government leaders.


🕵️‍♀️ Explorer mode on: I focused on learning from others.

I’ve found people are far more open when you approach them with genuine curiosity, not a sales pitch.

For me, that meant:
  • Being open and honest upfront — the same way you’d love people to respond to you.
  • Focusing on listening rather than talking.
  • Finding a mentor from the industry who could guide me and introduce me to others.
  • Keeping my online presence updated and authentic to reflect who I am.

Networking is more than collecting contacts — it’s about building your tribe. It’s the people who inspire and support you.

The truth is, building tribes is part of who we are as humans, it’s in our DNA.

So, don’t overthink it. Lean into your natural ability to connect, in a way that feels right for you.

Do you believe at work-life balance? How does it work for you?

Work is such an essential part of our life, I cannot separate these two. No lifestyle is worth having a job you hate.

Don't betray yourself, neither at work nor in life.

If money is not an issue, what would you genuinely love to do in life?

The things I do now. Launching new projects, experimenting, connecting people, and sharing my journey.

How much money a year would make you happy and comfortable? What’s your freedom number?


What piece of advice have you been given or picked up somewhere that never worked for you or your career?

Let's automate it!

What advice would you give to your 20-year-old self from your current perspective?

Your biggest asset is you.

What advice would you give to somebody who wants to do the work you do?

Don't be a pussy.

What’s one trend or development in your field that excites you now?

TikTok influencers coming to LinkedIn. We are all DOOMED :)

Name 3—5 products (digital or not) that you really like?
  • GOV.UK — service portal
  • Rosslyn Coffee
  • Prawn crackers
  • LinkedIn Influencers with Kudos Narratives :)
Got any favorite books, podcasts, or movies you’d recommend?

I’d recommend every entrepreneur read these two books: 'It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work' by Basecamp founder Jason Fried, and 'How to Be Bored' by Eva Hoffman.

Movies about badass women who inspire to pave your way:

What 3 people would you like to hear from in this Q&A?

More awesome people:

Know anyone cool who does amazing work✨?